Okay…this is going to be AMAZING!! The David Duncan house is closed during the week however it is open Friday and Saturday from 4 pm to 8 pm for takeout. All orders must be placed by 2 pm. To place an order call 416-391-1424 or email duncanhouse@bypnp.com
BUT GET A LOAD OF THIS (yes I’m yelling🤣)
June 4 at 7 pm the David Duncan House is putting on a drive-in experience and serving you fine dining in your car! They are screening The Gentlemen!! Ian and I are going for sure! Can’t wait! It’s $150 per couple and add $75 per extra person after that!
Check out the Drive-In info at https://www.peterandpaulseventcatering.com/store/view-menu.php?id=18.
Check out the David Duncan House Friday/Saturday takeout menu at https://www.davidduncanhouse.com/file/DDH_TakeoutMenu-compressed.pdf😋
Stay safe out there!